Check out these cute date ideas. Put on your favorite outfit and get a little spontaneous.
Date Idea #1: Find a fun fancy recipe on Pinterest, go to your local farmers market and get everything it requires. Cook together while sipping on some vino and playing your favorite music.

Date Idea #2: Pack up all your pillows and blankets and throw them in your car or truck. Find a mountain that's easily accessible and go star gazing. Throw all your things in the back of the truck or on the ground!

Date Idea #3: Be a tourist in your own town! See what the favorite spots are and be a tourist for a day!

Date Idea #4: Take a drive, compile some super random questions to ask each other and just enjoy getting to know each other a little bit better. Need some help with questions? CLICK HERE

Date Idea #5: Got a little extra time and have a weekend you can use? Take a little road trip and be spontaneous. Don't book anything, just drive and end up where you end up. Could be horrible, but could also be SO FUN!

Date Idea #6: This one is SO easy! Grab all your favorite snacks and a beverage. Go park somewhere beautiful. Park, woods, beach wherever! And have yourself a nice little picnic. No phones, no distractions. Just chill 🧡

Date Idea #7: If you're lucky enough to live by a beach, grab a picnic and some musical instruments. Don't play anything? Good, this will give you some good laughs then! Grab anything that makes noise. Enjoy your picnic and make a song or poem with each other. And If all that fails, you'll have a nice picnic and wine to drink 😘